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Later Life Lending

Equity Release Council Member Accreditation

Over the past decade, the later life lending market has undergone significant changes, providing borrowers with many options. As a result, the market has become more heavily regulated to ensure greater protection to borrowers.


Solve Mortgages can provide whole-of-market advice on mortgages and lifetime products to help find the right solution for your needs.


7 Popular Reason For Release Equity

The substantial increase in property prices over recent decades has resulted in many individuals accumulating wealth through their homes. However, the traditional methods to access this wealth involve either selling the current home to move into a smaller one or staying put and taking out a loan against the home's equity. 

Equity Release is a financial option that permits homeowners aged 55 and over to unlock a lump sum from their property's value. This can be done without the need to extend their working years, sell their home, downsize, or relinquish ownership, thus enabling a more enjoyable retirement. Here are the seven most popular reasons individuals opt for equity release:

1. Home and Garden Improvements

One of the primary motivations for homeowners to release equity from their property is to fund home and garden improvements. Recent research by lenders reveals that 30% of equity release borrowers cite enhancements to their property or garden as their reason for accessing equity. Such improvements not only increase the property's value but also significantly enhance the quality of life.

2. New Home

It often comes as a surprise that equity release can be used to buy a new home. This could be a second property, but it's not a requirement.

3. To settle an existing mortgage and debts

Borrowing money to pay off another loan might seem counterintuitive, but it's a common reason for equity release. Recent studies show that one in five individuals planning to retire this year will have an average debt of £33,900. The research indicates that 19% of retirees will be in debt.

A Lifetime Mortgage differs from a standard mortgage in that the loan is only repaid upon death or when moving into long-term care, eliminating monthly repayments.


Various options exist for interest payments, and you can choose to receive a single lump sum or access additional funds later.


A professional equity release adviser can clarify these options for you. Additionally, Lifetime Mortgages  come with a 'no negative equity guarantee,' ensuring you never owe more than your home's value.

4. Increasing Disposable Income

Increasing disposable income is crucial as many face the prospect of a cash-strapped retirement. Fortunately, homeowners who have seen their property values rise can consider equity release as a viable option. This approach can offer a tax-free lump sum to supplement retirement income over the long term. Alternatively, a drawdown facility allows for the withdrawal of funds as needed.


Consulting with an equity release adviser can provide clarity on the various available options.

5. Assisting Family Members Financially

It is commonly inquired whether it's feasible to bequeath an inheritance to loved ones after releasing equity from a home. Indeed, it is possible, and there are methods to secure a specific sum. Some individuals opt to "gift" a sum of money presently instead of waiting until their passing.


They might unlock funds from their property to aid their children or grandchildren with significant expenses, such as purchasing their first home or covering university tuition.


It's important to note that Inheritance Tax Planning is not governed by the Financial Conduct Authority.


As equity release advisor we can direct you to expert consultants for assistance with taxation and estate planning.

6. Holidays

Many of us harbour dreams of globetrotting upon retirement, checking off bucket list destinations, and reconnecting with distant friends and family. It's common for individuals to utilise released funds to transform these aspirations into tangible experiences. Releasing equity from your home provides the financial freedom to pursue any desired endeavour.

7. New Car

For many clients, purchasing a new car is a top priority with the funds obtained from equity release. A modern and dependable vehicle represents a significant investment, often unattainable for retirees. Through equity release, we have enabled some of our clients to turn the dream of owning their ideal car into a reality.


How Solve Mortgages Can Help You


Solve Mortgages are dual registered. Therefore, we can advise you on all mortgages and lifetime products. We provide whole of the market advice across both sectors. Meaning we do not have to introduce you to a third party to find the right solution for your circumstances.

Need advice, book a free consultation below.

Equity Release Isn't The Only Option

There are various mortgage and borrowing options available to borrowers aged over 50.


These options include those with monthly repayments such as Standard Repayment mortgage, Standard Interest Only mortgage, Retirement Interest Only Mortgage, Term Interest Only Mortgage, Hybrid Lifetime Mortgage (Equity Release).


There are also options available without monthly repayments such as Lifetime Mortgage (Equity Release).


To determine the most suitable option, it is recommended to schedule an initial consultation with Solve Mortgages.

The availability of each product depends on varying factors including the ability to meet repayment affordability and lenders criteria.

Standard Residential Mortgage:

Mortgages are accessible to borrowers up to the age of 85 although, there are minimum terms and borrowing limits in place. While some lenders set the maximum age for borrowing at 85 by the mortgage term's conclusion, the application age may differ.

Applicants must satisfy the lender's requirements regarding credit status, income affordability, and property.


Loan-to-value ratios may go as high as 95%.

Standard mortgages can serve various purposes: buying a new home, refinancing, obtaining a second residence, funding home improvements, helping family members, or consolidating debts.

For a repayment mortgage, the loan is fully paid off at the term's end. In contrast, an interest-only mortgage necessitates a repayment plan to settle the principal loan when the term concludes.

Retirement Interest Only Mortgage (RIO):

​A Retirement Interest Only mortgage (RIO) is available to individuals over 50 who meet the affordability criteria. This mortgage has no fixed term and is repaid from the sale of your home upon passing away or entering long-term care.


Applicants must fulfil the lender's requirements regarding credit status, income affordability, and property. A RIO serves as an alternative to Equity Release, suitable for those seeking a higher loan-to-value ratio and able to manage monthly repayments for the duration of the mortgage.


It can be utilised to buy a new property, remortgage an existing one, assist in purchasing a second property, and for home improvements, lifestyle enhancements, or gifting money to family. Additionally, it can be used for Inheritance Tax planning and wealth management.

Term Interest Only (TIO):

​Term Interest Only is a financial arrangement set for a specific term. It requires a minimum age of 50 and caps the maximum age at 89 by the term's end.


Monthly interest payments are made, and the loan is settled at term's end through a repayment vehicle, such as property sale, pension lump sum, or another method.


The borrower's credit status, income affordability, and property must align with the lender's criteria. It can be utilised for purchasing or remortgaging property, making home improvements, or assisting family members, often contingent on minimum equity requirements.


Additionally, it serves for Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning and wealth management.


Hybrid options are available, allowing interest payments for a set term before transitioning to a Lifetime Mortgage.

Life Time Mortgage (Equity Release):

​A lifetime mortgage, also known as equity release, is designed for homeowners over the age of 55 and does not have a fixed term.


The mortgage concludes when the borrower either enters long-term care or passes away. It enables the homeowner to borrow a portion of their home's value, with options available for both repayment and non-repayment products.


Borrowers can access the funds as a lump sum, with the choice of a drawdown facility. The funds can be utilized for various purposes such as debt repayment, family gifts, home renovations, vacations, vehicle purchases, additional income, or even to acquire a new primary residence.


Inheritance protection can also be included to reserve a portion of the equity for heirs. For detailed guidelines, please refer to the Equity Release Council.

To determine the most suitable option for you, schedule a Free Consultation with Solve Mortgages.

Equity Release Council Guidelines

As a member of the Equity Release Council we will always adhere to the following guidelines

  • For lifetime mortgages the rate must be fixed for each release or, if variable, the rate must be capped for the life of the loan.

  • You must have the right to remain in your property for life or until you need to move into long-term care, provided the property remains your main residence and you abide by the terms and conditions of your contract.

  • You have the right to move to another property subject to the new property being acceptable to your product provider as continuing security for your equity release loan.

  • The product must have a “no negative equity guarantee”. This means that when your property is sold, and agents’ and solicitors’ fees have been paid, even if the amount left is not enough to repay the outstanding loan to your provider, neither you nor your estate will be liable to pay any more.

  • All customers taking out new plans which meet the Equity Release Council standards must have the right to make penalty free payments, subject to lending criteria.



A lifetime mortgage is a loan secured against your home.


To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration.


Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and may affect your entitlement to means tested benefits.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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